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Integral LMFR with a pool-form vessel
Kind of integral LMFR
Boiling water reactor
Heat transport usually with light (normal) water or vapour
Pressurized heavy-water reactor
Primary heat transport: D2O - so-called heavy water
Integral LWR with a pool-form vessel
Kind of integral PWR (or BWR)
'Medium' size
Electric output of between 100 MWe and 200 MWe
Molten high-temperature salt reactor
Various salts usable, often fluorides or eutectic mixtures
'Micro' size
Electric output of less than 10 MWe
Mixed-nitride (nuclear fuel)
Fuel made from a mix of uranium and plutonium nitrides
Molten salt reactor
Primary heat transport: molten salt - often F compounds
Mixed-oxide (nuclear fuel)
Fuel made from a mix of uranium and plutonium oxides
Molten salt fast reactor
Chemical compound consisting of plutonium and chlorine, typically found in the form of PuCl3
It is used in nuclear research and processing due to its role in plutonium recovery and separation
Definition of project goals and purposes, choice of physicochemical options, and necessary knowledge elements
Report on general characteristics (elements, functions), necessary tests of materials and IT models and simulations to be established