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Small Modular Reactors Database



'Large' size

Electric output of between 200 MWe and 300 MWe (or more)


Low enriched uranium

Uranium enriched to less than 5 percent U-235

Light Water

Deuterium-depleted water

Containing the natural proportion (or less) of deuterium oxide, i.e. about 0.02 percent

Light Water

Deuterium-depleted water

Containing the natural proportion (or less) of deuterium oxide, i.e. about 0.02 percent


Liquid-metal cooled fast reactor

Primary heat transport: often Na, Pb, Na-K or Pb-Bi eutectic

LMFR, pool-type

Integral LMFR with a pool-form vessel

Kind of integral LMFR

Loop operated BWR

Boiling water reactor

Heat transport usually with light (normal) water or vapour

Loop operated heavy water PWR

Pressurized heavy-water reactor

Primary heat transport: D2O - so-called heavy water

LWR, pool-type

Integral LWR with a pool-form vessel

Kind of integral PWR (or BWR)