News tagged with 'Sweden New Build'

Vattenfall Calls For More Details On Nuclear New Build Risks

Sweden / Vattenfall Calls For More Details On Nuclear New Build Risks

Company responds to gov’t commission report on reactor financing
Rapid Nuclear Expansion Could Cost $38 Billion, Says Gov’t Commission

Sweden / Rapid Nuclear Expansion Could Cost $38 Billion, Says Gov’t Commission

Report says CfD financing model would guarantee revenues for 40 years
Sweden To Cooperate with US As Plans Move Forward For New Reactors

Nuclear Agreement / Sweden To Cooperate with US As Plans Move Forward For New Reactors

Stockholm says move is important for green transition and global competition with China
Nuclear Coordinator Wants New Organisation Set Up To Oversee Ambitious Reactor Plans

Sweden / Nuclear Coordinator Wants New Organisation Set Up To Oversee Ambitious Reacto...

By 2045, country might need a total of about 10,000 MW of new capacity, report says

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