News tagged with 'India'

Country Aiming To Deploy Up To 50 Indigenous Bharat Reactors, Says Executive

India / Country Aiming To Deploy Up To 50 Indigenous Bharat Reactors, Says Executive

Engineering company working on redesign of existing PHWR nuclear power plant technology
Fuel Loading Begins At Indigenous PHWR Nuclear Plant In Rajasthan

India / Fuel Loading Begins At Indigenous PHWR Nuclear Plant In Rajasthan

Commercial operation of 603-MW reactor unit expected this year
New Delhi Announces Plans To Develop Indigenous Small Modular Reactor

India / New Delhi Announces Plans To Develop Indigenous Small Modular Reactor

Gov’t bullish on nuclear and wants to form partnerships with private sector
Leaders Agree To Push Ahead With Plans For New Nuclear Reactors

Russia-India / Leaders Agree To Push Ahead With Plans For New Nuclear Reactors

Future projects will use Moscow’s VVER-1200 technology at yet-to-be-decided site, says joint statement

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