News tagged with 'Europe'

Draghi Report Backs Nuclear For Future Of Bloc’s Competitiveness

Europe / Draghi Report Backs Nuclear For Future Of Bloc’s Competitiveness

Analysis shows need to mobilise both public and private finance
Stockpiling For VVER Plants Sees 72% Increase In Uranium Imports From Russia

Euratom Annual Report / Stockpiling For VVER Plants Sees 72% Increase In Uranium Imports From Russia

Over 91% of natural uranium supplied to EU came from four producing countries
Greek MEP Says ‘Dynamic Legislative Framework’ Needed For New Nuclear

Europe / Greek MEP Says ‘Dynamic Legislative Framework’ Needed For New Nuclear

Reactors need ‘exceptionally high expenditure and a long-term strategy’
Investment In New Nuclear Faces Hurdles And Reality Check Needed, Says Report

Europe / Investment In New Nuclear Faces Hurdles And Reality Check Needed, Says Report

Countries warming to new reactors, but investors have balked at scale of funding

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