News tagged with 'John Barrasso'

Senate Committee Approves Bill To Advance Leadership In Next-Generation Nuclear

US / Senate Committee Approves Bill To Advance Leadership In Next-Generation Nuclear

Legislation will ‘spur deployment of new, secure and dependable’ reactor technologies
Nation ‘Deficient’ In Nearly Every Aspect Of Nuclear Fuel Cycle And ‘Must End Reliance’ On Russia

US / Nation ‘Deficient’ In Nearly Every Aspect Of Nuclear Fuel Cycle And ‘Must End...

Senate energy committee debates urgency of reviving domestic uranium and nuclear fuel industry
Senators Introduce Legislation To Ban Imports Of Russian Uranium

US / Senators Introduce Legislation To Ban Imports Of Russian Uranium

Washington aiming to end nuclear industry’s reliance on Moscow
Lack Of Fuel Could Delay Bill Gates’ Natrium Power Plant By Two Years

Advanced Reactors / Lack Of Fuel Could Delay Bill Gates’ Natrium Power Plant By Two Years

Senator criticises DOE for relying on Russia and ‘not moving fast enough’ to ensure domestic supply

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