News tagged with 'Agreement'

Bulgaria And US Sign Agreement To Set Stage For New AP1000 Nuclear Reactor Units

Kozloduy / Bulgaria And US Sign Agreement To Set Stage For New AP1000 Nuclear Reactor Units

Country eyes 2035 for operation of first plant using Westinghouse reactor technology
Norsk Kjernekraft And TVO To Examine SMR Deployment Options

Norway / Norsk Kjernekraft And TVO To Examine SMR Deployment Options

Four municipalities interested in small nuclear
KGHM And Legnica Economic Zone To Cooperate On Small Modular Reactors

Poland / KGHM And Legnica Economic Zone To Cooperate On Small Modular Reactors

Mining giant aims to decarbonise energy intensive operations
Westinghouse Confirms Talks With Regulator Over Koeberg Fuel Deal

South Africa / Westinghouse Confirms Talks With Regulator Over Koeberg Fuel Deal

Pretoria has called for ‘urgent resolution’

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