
US / Holtec Completes Non-Fuel Radwaste Removal From Oyster Creek And Pilgrim

By Kamen Kraev
5 April 2022

Holtec Completes Non-Fuel Radwaste Removal From Oyster Creek And Pilgrim
Holtec used its Hi-Safe radwaste storage technology at both facilities. Courtesy Holtec.
US-based Holtec International has completed packaging and storage projects for non-fuel high-level radioactive waste from the Oyster Creek and Pilgrim nuclear power plants.

The company said in a statement that the waste, which consisted of highly radioactive components from within the reactor pressure vessels at the two plants, had been dismantled, segmented and placed into dry storage on the respective plant sites.

Holtec said the waste removal and storage project at Pilgrim in Massachusetts was completed in March 2022, following completion of similar work at New Jersey’s Oyster Creek in August 2021. The company said its Hi-Safe radwaste storage technology was used at both facilities.

The 619-MW boiling water reactor (BWR) unit at Oyster Creek was shut down in September 2018 after being commercially operational since December 1969.

Pilgrim, a 677-MW BWR, was retired from service in May 2019. It first became commercial in December 1972.

After being permanently shut down, both plants were transferred by their owners to Holtec International for decommissioning.

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